BTS Update - February 2025
Take a look at THBF's 2025 goals, new products, and the past month's growth in this behind-the-scenes update.
The Native Nectar Plantable Butterfly
This spring I am scaling up my Plantable Butterflies series — origami butterflies made of seed paper — that aims to attract and support butterflies with the plants they need. If you are interested in placing a wholesale order or would like to create a Custom Seed Plantable Butterfly using your own seeds, please feel free to reach out to me via my website.
My overall goal is to sell and distribute a minimum of 1000 plantable butterflies in 2025. New to the lineup this year is the Native Nectar Plantable Butterfly filled with seeds from various midwest-native nectar plant and host plants. Each butterfly varies in both coloration and seed content and may contain seeds for white yarrow, black eyed susan, plains coreopsis, wild bergamot, lance-leaf coreopsis, purple prairie clover, new england aster, golden alexanders, and butterfly weed.